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Pietrafitta Tintilia Del Molise DOC

Pietrafitta Tintilia Del Molise DOC,這是一款完美體現莫利塞風土精髓的優質紅酒。 Tintilia 葡萄生長在粘土和石質土壤中,受益於該地區的獨特條件,釀造出真正卓越的葡萄酒。這款酒具有大膽而濃鬱的風味,帶有黑櫻桃、覆盆子和紅醋栗的味道,並伴隨著淡淡的香草味。結果是一款平衡而優雅的葡萄酒,非常適合單獨享用或與各種菜餚搭配。憑藉其豐富的歷史和卓越的品質,Pietrafitta Tintilia Del Molise DOC 是任何葡萄酒愛好者的必備

Collecroce area of Campobasso. With a harvest period beginning in October, the grapes are grown in soil consisting of clay and stony composition, and the plant breeding is done via the spurred cordon method. This wine should be served at a temperature of 18°C and boasts an alcohol strength of 14.5%. Upon tasting, one can expect to be delighted with its intense ruby red color, and distinct aromas of violet, plum, blackberry, black cherry, and raspberry. Enjoy the authentic taste of Italy with Pietrafitta Tintilia Del Molise DOC.

Pietrafitta Tintilia Del Molise DOC

HK$ 380.00價格
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    Color: Intense Ruby Red Nose: Violet, Plum, Blackberry, Black Cherry, Raspberry, Red Currant, Vani la, Black Pepper, Carob, Nutmeg, Tobacco, Tar Palate: The wine is ful, enveloping and complex in its hints that evolve from ripe fruit to jam, with light spicy and toasted notes. The welknown alcoholic note is wel supported by the present and elegant tannic component.

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